Training & Development

Training & Development

We recognise the importance of investing in our staff through education and training. Our range of education programs provides various pathways for professional development. This facilitates professional growth and ensures excellent standard of client’s care.

Opportunities are available for all staff to participate in courses. All new staff are given:
Comprehensive orientation and induction programs
Mandatory training courses
Education for all staff in areas such as managing challenging behaviour, information governance etc.
Opportunities to train and upgrade professional qualifications through external courses
Specialised courses conducted by the many community organisations we support, such as PBS, Infection Control, and Diabetes Associations
Staff can also gain nationally recognised certificates and diplomas

We are dedicated to assisting our Carers to become the best they can be, and to increasing the awareness and recognition of Carers and the valued role they perform in our society.

For any further information you may require please don’t hesitate in contacting us.

Head Office
Cognithan Health Care,
68 Little Heath, Charlton,
London SE7 8BH.
Tel. 0203 581 5177