Referral Process
Referral Process
Our referral process includes:
Screening of all referrals by the admission team against the relevant admission criteria.
Contact with the referring team and the client’s family (where applicable), carers, care co-ordinators and
social worker.
All referrals should always be accompanied by a fully completed referral form and must include copies of
recent CPA reports, risk assessment, psychiatric reports, discharge summaries, forensic reports, medical reports and a social circumstances report and
any other relevant information.
If the client is suitable for the service, assessment will be arranged.
If the client is accepted, we liaise with you regarding Mental Health Act issues if required. An initial
care plan and risk assessment will be completed prior to admission, including allocation of keyworker and named nurse.
Risk assessment is reviewed within the first four weeks of admission.
Once an offer of placement has been accepted, a transition period will be agreed. This gives the client a chance to visit the service, meet the Staff and to participate in a daily program and to develop a support plan for the first six months. The plan will set out measurable and achievable goals for the clients. Placement will be continuously reviewed during the first twelve weeks.