Positive Behaviour Support
Positive Behaviour Support
Promoting wellbeing in our community based services can substantially improve social and emotional outcomes for our service users.
Our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an empowering way to support adults with autism, learning disabilities, mental health and other conditions
with challenging behaviours.
The PBS approaches that we are a person-centred approaches which, promotes service user involvement and helps in improving quality of life in a number
of ways:
Helping individuals understand their daily life through clearer communication (i.e. picture)
Changing the environment to make where they live better for them
Improving the person’s lifestyle so they have more interesting and enjoyable activities to keep them involved and connected with their community
PBS involves the development of a behaviour Support interventions that are person centred and provide holistic support to the person. An individual
Behaviour support plan focuses on proactive, positive strategies that will benefit the individual and the support the team.
The goal of this behaviour support plan is that all staff working with the person are aware of and committed to using positive behaviour support
strategies to create and maintain a safe environment for the person.
Our aim is to:
To promote a culture of Positive Behaviour Support throughout our services
To provide a safe environment which promotes positive behaviour
To ensure a consistent individualised approach for our service users in responding to their needs.
To ensure that our service users are cared for in a way that focuses on their preferences and choice.
To provide appropriate training and guidance for all our staff, to ensure that they have the skills to
be able to respond appropriately to any behaviour that challenges the service.
Work in partnership with service users, staff, families and other agencies.
Enhance the quality of life for all service users.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) tells us the best way to work with individual service user and also acknowledges the needs of support staff and includes effective strategies to manage crises when they arise.